Substance-induced psychosis
" During Alice's 1st year in University, her friends introduced her to marijuana (weed) and alcohol. She drank and smoked liberally all through the semester. When she went home for the semester break, she couldn't get access to weed and alcohol as she could in school. Two weeks later, she started to complain about sounds no […]
Children Who Won’t Listen: Conduct Disorder
" Mrs Smith's son has been expelled from three schools and has just been suspended from the fourth because of his behaviour. Dave is unable to follow the school rules, he gets into fights, bullies others, and is often caught smoking on school premises. Why can't Dave just do the right thing?" Conduct disorder is characterized […]
Suicide can be explained as causing harm or injury to oneself with the intent to die. It is estimated that one person dies by suicide every 11 minutes. Suicide occurs worldwide, but over 77% of reported suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries. Globally, suicide accounts for over 700,000 deaths and is the second leading […]
How to Identify Fake Drugs
Drugs are designed to help us fight off illnesses and diseases but with counterfeits infiltrating the market, it may be difficult for people to get rid of these diseases. With these tips, you not only increase your chances of buying standard, high-quality drugs, but you also reduce or even eliminate your chances of using counterfeit […]
5 Dental Secrets You Should Know
Your teeth are very delicate structures, even though they appear as hard as a rock. Take good care of them by visiting your dentists regularly and keeping note of healthy and unhealthy habits that affect them.
7 Causes of Tooth Sensitivity
Tooth sensitivity refers to the uncomfortable or shock sensation from the teeth when exposed to extremes of temperature. It can be restricted to one tooth, many and even all the teeth. If you intend to use your teeth for a long time, you must stop harmful practices that could damage them and begin to […]
5 Causes of Dry Mouth
Dry mouth is a common but serious condition that affects you much more than you think. Causes could be as simple as the medications you constantly use and underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes. If you notice your mouth always dry, seek help early and adopt simple strategies such as increasing your water intake and […]
Women are said to have reached menopause when they haven't seen their period for about a year. Weight gain, along with other symptoms like vaginal drying, hot flashes, mood swings, and hair thinning are some of the symptoms experienced in menopause. Symptoms vary among women, from mild and tolerable to distressing. What is the relationship […]
Are you concerned about the changes your body has undergone due to pregnancy? Do you think it is impossible to get back to your pre-pregnancy state, or at the very least close enough? The extra weight you gained is due to your growing baby, bigger breasts, and increased body fat stores. If you intend to […]
“Mrs. Maya is worried about her toddler. She doesn’t eat anything unless she’s extremely hungry, and even then, it is a serious struggle to get her to eat. The only things she willingly consumes are nutritional supplements and pap; everything else she will spit out! She was a chubby baby, but now she’s a slim […]