How does exercising help your heart?

Exercise has been termed a miracle cure, and rightfully so, as it decreases the risk of serious illnesses like stroke, diabetes, heart diseases and even cancer. It is recommended for everyone, even children.

Common signs of low testosterone in men

Low testosterone is a common condition affecting men, and recognizing its symptoms and seeking timely medical advice is crucial. With appropriate diagnosis and treatment, men can manage low testosterone and improve their overall well-being, allowing them to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

Causes of low testosterone in men

Testosterone is a vital hormone responsible for various physiological functions in men, including the development of male reproductive tissues and the maintenance of muscle mass and bone density. Low testosterone, also known as hypogonadism, is a condition that affects a significant number of men, especially as they age. It happens when testosterone levels are below […]

Cause of premature ejaculation

According to research, normal ejaculation occurs after 4 to 8 minutes of sex. When ejaculation occurs under or within a minute or shorter than a couple desires, it is called premature ejaculation.   Most causes of premature ejaculation are psychogenic, meaning they arise from psychological issues; however, it could be caused by medical problems as […]

5 Health Benefits of intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting describes consistently skipping meals at set different times of the day or week. This activity is typically started for health reasons or to achieving some personal goals.

5 Tips to help you manage your weight after childbirth

Managing your weight after birth is not the easiest endeavour due to the stress of the postpartum period and adjusting to the baby’s routine. It can be emotionally draining when you find it hard to lose all that baby weight, but here are some things we want you to keep in mind when on this […]

5 Foods to avoid in pregnancy

What you eat can disrupt this chain of events and cause serious problems for you and your baby. Eat healthy during pregnancy but avoid consumption of any type of food no matter the claims that you see on social media! 

Acute Diarrhoea in Adults: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Fifunmi rushed to the toilet, yet again, as she felt the pressure build up within her stomach. She feels like she is about to explode for the fifth time this morning. She rethinks what she ate last night. It was nothing unusual, except the suya Deji, her brother, brought home, from which she took just […]

Understanding and Managing Acute Diarrhoea in Children

Mrs. Kachi rushed her 2-year-old son into the emergency room of the hospital close to her home. Her son had been passing watery stool for 2 days now and she had hoped it would resolve on its own. But it got worse this morning, and her son was becoming so weak he could barely walk […]

Postpartum depression versus postpartum psychosis

Childbirth is one of the most special occasions in a woman's life. While it brings a lot of joy and new experiences, the intense experience can also bring about psychological distress and disorders. There are two major psychological disorders that may occur after pregnancy:  Postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis.   Although they share some similarities, these […]