Simple Tips to Prevent Malaria
Want to avoid malaria? Try these simple tips.
What to Know about Psoriatic arthritis
Psoriasis is a skin condition in which the body attacks healthy skin due to problems with the immune system. Psoriatic arthritis refers to the inflammation of joints that occurs in some people who have psoriasis. The immune system attack damages joint structures, causing corresponding symptoms. The cause of this immune attack on the body’s own […]
Getting stressed out at work is not unusual for everyone, and it is completely normal. However, if stress at work becomes persistent, irrational, and overwhelming and interferes with interpersonal relationships and daily functioning, it may lead to anxiety. Having an anxiety disorder plays a huge impact on effectiveness at work. Workplace anxiety may impair […]
Mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS
Viola was born to a mother who had been a drug addict since her teenage years. She looked just like every other baby would. But three months later, little Viola started becoming sick. Doctors had advised Viola’s mom earlier on about the risk of transferring HIV to her unborn baby. But she had thrown caution […]
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Tade had been battling this cough for several months now that comes with tightness of his chest. He has not been taking it seriously. I feel very concerned about it, and I hope he does not end up with some form of respiratory arrest” Keji said. Tade has always been a heavy smoker for the […]
Dialysis: What You Need to Know
“I met Mr. John during the ward round today, and I discussed with him the next treatment plan; he will be needing dialysis,” Dr. Kingsley told Mr. John’s brother, Phil. Mr. John had been diagnosed with end stage kidney disease, and his kidneys could no longer remove toxic wastes from the body. He now needs […]
Urinary Tract Infection in Pregnancy
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are common in pregnant women. The infection can occur in any part of the urinary system, which includes the: Kidneys Ureters; the tube from each kidney that carries urine to the bladder Bladder, which stores urine until you are ready to void Urethra, the tube that takes urine from the bladder […]
Eclampsia: When Blood Pressure Might Be Dangerous in Pregnancy
“Eclampsia! That’s the new word I learnt today, and I will never forget this terrible experience, my sister,” Francisca told her friend. Francisca was admitted two days ago, after she had seizures at 34 weeks of pregnancy. She and her husband were scared they would lose the baby or even lose her too. Fortunately, the […]
What to Know about Monkeypox
Monkeypox is a rare and highly contagious viral infection commonly seen in west and central Africa, which has been spreading to other parts of the world in a recent outbreak. Monkeypox often results in symptoms that are similar to those of other viral infections, such as chickenpox and measles, and may even be mistaken for […]
What is Polio?
Polio is a debilitating disease caused by the poliovirus, which attacks the brain and nerves; it causes mild or no symptoms in most people, but in others, it may cause paralysis or death. Children under 5 are the most vulnerable groups to contract this disease. There are three types of poliovirus: wild poliovirus type 1, […]