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Safeguarding Your Mental Health

Peak health involves more than a fit body, you must also have a fit mind. Your mental health is as important as your physical health and you must take steps to protect it. You want to keep your mind healthy so that you can cope with the daily stress of living. 

Safeguarding your mental health is a lot easier than you think. 


Just try these easy tips: 

Try a nature bath 

Being in a natural environment is always very relaxing. Research has shown that simple activities like taking a walk or just enjoying the fresh air in a quiet spot can help to relieve stress. 

In fact, the Japanese carry out as a technique for maintaining and improving mental health. The sounds, smells, sights, and textures create a holistic grounding experience that helps to calm the mind. 


Develop healthy coping mechanisms

When you are going through a difficult time, how do you deal with it? Do you power through, turn to friends/family for support, or use alcohol and psychoactive drugs as a crutch for coping?

You may try to block out difficult times with drugs or alcohol but they only offer temporary relief and may create lasting problems (strained relationships, physical and mental health issues) for you in the future. You are still left with all your problems once the high these substances produce wears off. 

If you have been doing this, try to find other ways of coping with mental stress. A good tip is talking to someone about it. This could be a friend, family member, therapist, or a trusted religious figure. 

Also try replacing the habit with a different one. "I feel stressed, instead of binge-eating, I will go for a walk." " I feel drained, instead of using alcohol, I will call my friend." 

Take care of your physical health

Good mental health is intertwined with good physical health. If your body is in a bad place, your mind is going to be troubled. 

Create time for the things you love: find time to read a book, go swimming, play games, cook your favorite meal, watch a movie, listen to music. Just do things that make you happy.

Have a social media detox 

Social media is an extremely useful tool for communication and staying updated with world events, but it can also drain your mental health. 

There's a constant rush of information, both good and bad, that you are constantly exposed to. There are also the comparisons you make whenever you see people with their perfect lives, jobs, and constant achievements. Your life seems dull and your achievements meaningless in the face of all that. 

Try to spend more time off social media than on it. Schedule in a day where you don't go online at all. Tailor your feed/timeline to only show things you enjoy. 


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