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Hand Hygiene and Illness Prevention

Justus is fond of not washing his hands before eating. He believes his hands are clean throughout the day as far as he had his bath that morning. Other instances where he washes his hands are when they are visibly soiled or he uses the restroom. Otherwise, Justus doesn’t wash his hands. So it was no surprise when he developed a runny stomach when he traveled to his hometown for the holidays. He had to be taken to see the community health worker in his hometown where he was told he had food poisoning. His own hands poisoned him. 


Hand hygiene is a fundamental practice that plays a pivotal role in preventing the spread of illnesses and maintaining overall health. As we navigate through daily life, particularly this yuletide season, our hands constantly come into contact with various surfaces, making them potential carriers of harmful germs. In this article, we'll delve into the importance of hand hygiene and how mastering this simple practice can be a powerful tool in illness prevention.

Why Hand Hygiene Matters

The Basics of Effective Hand Hygiene

Hand Hygiene and Illness Prevention


Mastering the art of hand hygiene is a small but impactful step we can all take towards illness prevention. By making it a habit in our daily lives, we contribute to creating a healthier and safer environment for ourselves and those around us. So, let's lather up, rinse thoroughly, and take charge of our well-being through the simple act of keeping our hands clean. Your health is in your hands – quite literally!


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